Blog Description

This is a site where you can post graphics created by using celebrity names that have a common meaning in the English language beyond just being the person's name. These meanings might be objects, actions, trades or occupations etc. The idea is to use a play on these words to create a collage picture representing the celebrity's name.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jack Black of Spades

Here is a familiar face as the Jack of Spades.  With all his crazy and wonderful personas, Jack Black doesn't look at all out of place as the looney face card.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Joey da Bishop

Here's a Joey Bishop collage that I found in a Google image search.  I don't know who created it but it was associated with this joke furnished by Fred Zarguna in a post to on 8/13/2011:
An Episcopal bishop, a Methodist bishop, and a Roman Catholic archbishop walk in to a bar... Smart Alec bartender shouts, "OK, where's the Jewish Bishop?"  Guy over in a booth in the corner says, "That's Joey Bishop. But he's either dead or in Vegas this week."